Welcome to Real Chicks R Natural

We are Natural Hair Advocates. We appreciate the hair that grows naturally from our heads. So this blog is here to embrace our natural hair and the lifestyle that accompanies this choice.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Real Chicks Definition




   (slang for Woman)

 dictionary definitions
Mentally where are we, Women? When we get ready in the morning to present ourselves to the world, Who do we send? Is it what our DNA has produced and we have enhanced to present at its best? The Authentic Woman! Or have we transformed ourselves instead to try to be accepted by some person who has pre-determined your inferiority? A 50 year observation says that Humans Respect the Ones who are (not the best imitators but instead) the geniune, bona fide persons. In touch with themselves finding strength with who they are created to be. Notice our Male counterpart, hardly is he transforming his body to be anyone but who he was created to be! Chick's let's engage our minds!!!!!! 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why Do some Choose to go Natural?

  • To Avoid Harsh Disease Causing Chemicals
  • Nursing Mothers Protecting their Babies
  • When Expecting a Baby

Women are Choosing to
Provide an Organic,
Natural Envioronment
for themselves and
their Families...
With the Strain of the
Economy it is also cost
effective to work with and
cultivate your own hair
in its Natural State. Check
out our side bar and older
post to help you get started!!!

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chemicals and OUR Bloodstream

Sodium Hydroxide is a very Strong Chemical used in some perms to make African American Hair Straight. There is such a disproportionate amount of black women with Lupus, could the aforemention chemical be the culprit?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Himba Women From Nimibia Africa

These women have a rountine of grinding the red Ochre Rock and mixing the rock with butter and animal fat, then cover their bodies from head to toe with the mixture, giving themselves a red tinge, both hair and body. Look at the length. What can we take away?
  1. establish a routine,
  2. use good oils such as almond, johoba, coconut, castor oils (mixed with spring water) 1 part oil 3 parts water in a spray bottle. Use as a spritz to prepare for bed and when you want to freshen up the style or work with your 3 day old hair do,
  3. search for some red ochre rock, just kidding, but binding the hair or permitting it to rest for a month or so is good for growth.
  4. Check them out at
          www. jw.org

Monday, June 17, 2013

Natural Hair Stylist

One of the benefits to natural hair: Versatility

One of my styles: Press Out

How do you feel about pressing your hair?

In the Atlanta area or Decatur? Check out:
Hotpress Sam, sam4haircare@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Product Review

Pantene's Co-Wash Conditioner and Curling Custard

The verdict: Not for the 4a/b hair type.  That is my hair type, and
it made my hair stiff and dry.

Maybe it would be a better product on 3b,c or 4/a.

Has anyone else tried it?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Natural Hair Show 2013

...good friends

...great show

... and awesome hair styles

a good time was had by all.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

2013, Get Ready For the Spring Natural Hair Show!!!

Here is where we have fun, we do what we do best, Shop, and get new Ideas for our hair, see what others are doing and get product galore. Let's Get our look together and meet at the show!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Moisturizing, an Ongoing Need

Yolanda Renee gives her Techniques
let's try until we reach our individual uniqueness to our satisfaction...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Product Review

Pantene has come out with additional products
for Natural Chicks like yourselves.
Real Chicks are testing these particular products out for a review.
Stay tuned for the results.....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reconsider the COST of Straightners

Not to mention the effect those strong fumes have on the technicians applying the chenicals day in and out! It is easy to correct this problem and relearn how to care for the unique hair type......

Monday, February 4, 2013

Darcy's Botanicals Event

It was very informative.  An awesome "Girls Day Out" with Anita Sher'i (YouTube Vlogger).
We also met up with Ma Mocha Naturals and Cocoa Naturals.  We used Darcy's Botanical products: "Sweet Cocoa Bean" moisturizing hair whip and
"Madagascar Vanilla Styling Creme". Those products helped us create the Bantu Knots Set.  With the techiniques and products we had an amazing head of curls.

Telise Adams was our instructor.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Spotlight -New Natural -Anita Sher'i

Her Story  "since starting my natural hair journey I've realized the importance of being true to your self and loving yourself despite what the popular trend maybe... Because to me hair is not a trend it is who you were born to be, who god intended you to be. I grew up in a small town in upstate new york where curly hair is not popular and not accepted so at the age of 10 I acquired a relaxer so after I noticed how damaged and high maintenance my hair was becoming, so in July 2012 I decided to stop fighting my ancestors and my creator and go natural. I chopped off 8 inches of my hair and started a new adventure and am so thankful I did. I love the curls and twirls and loops and intricacies my hair provides.

 I can only thank my creator for bestowing such a beautiful gift... not only am I honoring my creators temple I'm also honoring myself and my health... So as my journey continues I look forward to learning more and experiencing the blessing of being natural...." 

Check out her Vlog on Youtube. The Anita Sher'i Channel

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Twistout for Short hair

Important: Dry brittle hair does not grow fast. So try various things to get the well arranged, textured, soft, shiny look and feel. Our goal is to share the treasures we find with our audience. If this does not work for you stay tuned we are searching high and low. I like how this video gives you little techniques to achive the look she likes as well as her special mix for the hair.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Spotlight-Naturalista Hair Regimen

Latrina's Regimen

Since I am a teacher, and I am super busy, my regimen is not that involved. Typically, I wash my hair once a week with a shampoo. Usually it is a sulfate free shampoo (my fav is kinky curly come clean), but when my scalp is really itchy I will use a sulfate shampoo to get the gunk off my scalp. I am around kids all day and I have allergies so I must clean my hair at least once a week. If I have to wash my hair in the middle of the week, which is rare because I am lazy and don't feel like it half the time, I use conditioner. My favorite conditioner is Tresseme naturals...you know it! It really helps me to detangle. I also like garnier fructis pure clean, mostly for the smell. I have recently discovered that detangling with water, oil and conditioner BEFORE shampooing works well for my hair. I shed a lot, and it actually helps to get that shed hair out before getting in the shower because I don't have to be in the shower as long detangling my hair. After I shampoo I usually condition right in the shower. I also try to deep condition at least once a month. However, I don't always get to it. I am still working on deep conditioning. I don't like the waiting part or having to rinse in the sink. I REFUSE to get back in the shower after getting out!  That's annoying.

I'm not a big styler when it comes to my hair. I don't have the time nor the patience. I was the same way when I was relaxed. It was either down or in a ponytail, mostly in a ponytail (sorry edges) Now I mostly wear wash and goes or a twist out. I like wash and goes more because I don't have to manipulate my hair as much throughout the week. If I wear a twist out I re-twist every night or every other night. However, I enjoy twist outs because I don't have to go out with wet hair and I don't have the issues with shed hair at the end of the week. So what style I choose usually depends on how much work I am willing to do throughout the week. I wear a mixture of both so I'll explain my regimen for both styles.

For both I start with freshly wash and conditioned or co-washed hair that has been detangled. My hair is typically in 6 sections. If I am doing a wash and go I will put my leave-in on my hair( it is typically knot today or Giovanni direct) and then I put an aloe vera based gel on (curly magic or kinky curly curling custard). My hair loves aloe so I use products that have aloe, either aloe vera gel or juice. If I want to be cheap I'll use Loreal ever style curl defining gel or in the spring and early summer curls goddess curls or glaze. My hair loves slimy gels! I have tried Eco styler off and on,  but my poor strands can't take the glue like consistency. I end up ripping strands of hair out. To preserve my hair I sleep in a satin scarf and on my satin pillow case (in case my scarf comes off at night) On the second day to the next time I wash, I put oil on my hands and oil my hair, fluff, and go . I don't like rewetting my whole head when there is product in it because it makes it tangle more. If my hair needs moisture, I'll turn my wash and go into a twist out or co-wash my hair midweek, but usually I don't have to do that.

If I am doing a twist out, I put oil on each section first (I like jojoba or grape seed oil), put my leave-in on (same ones) and then I twist the individual sections or I follow that up with a gel (aloe based of course) and twist it up. I usually do individual 2 strand twists or 3 strand twists. I like both! I rarely do any other style besides the wash and go or twist out, as I said I am lazy lol, but I have done a curlformer set this year. I have not straightened my hair with a flat iron in over a year and don't plan to any time soon either. My hair looks thin and limp when straight so why bother? I like my curls and I think they suit me and personality.

So that's my story. I really love my natural hair, and I am still learning about it and how to care for it. What I like most about my natural hair is that it is mine and unique to me (even my twin's hair is different from mine) and much healthier than my relaxed hair ever was. What I dislike most about my natural hair are the single strand knots that drive me batty and the really bad tangles that make me what to grab a pair of scissors and cut my hair again. Sometimes I get frustrated with it and yes it is work to keep it up, especially as it grows out longer, but I feel the rewards far out way the work. It is part of what makes me different, and I won't change something that is so uniquely me again. 

As told by Latrina T

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Highlight-Natural Hair Story, Featuring Latrina

Hola!      I have been completely natural since November 2010. I decided to stop relaxing my hair in April of that year because I was concerned about the edges of my hair. Most women in my family have thinning edges and I didn't want to go bald from putting more stress on my edges than necessary. I knew that they were already thin, and I wanted to preserve them as long as I could. I had tried to go natural 2 or three years prior to this time round. However, the first time was an accident. I got a specific hair cut that was very short and the hairstylist cut all my relaxer off. I didn't realize that my natural hair was so different than my relaxed hair, and I honestly didn't know how to care for it so it didn't last. This time it wasn't an accident. I made a conscious choice to go natural, and used the months that I transitioned to do research on how to take proper care of my hair. I must admit I was afraid. The first time I had my hair "natural" , my hair was very dry and very tight. My husband used to say all the time 'Yo hair nappy'. He meant it in fun and not to hurt my feelings, and my hair was very dry and hard to the touch most times. However, it made me self conscious to try it again. I was afraid my hair would be tight and dry again and I wouldn't be able to keep it up. However, I was pleasantly surprised by my hair.

I transitioned from April to November of 2010. I watched YouTube videos on taking care of and moisturizing natural hair A LOT! I was determined to do it right this time. My hair grew to longest it had ever been, but I started getting annoyed trying to deal with the two textures of my hair. When I first began my transition, I straightened my hair. I then moved on to flexirod sets. I tried flat twist outs, but my scalp is very sensitive to being pulled on, especially my edges. I guess that it why I don't like braids. So then I ran across curlformers and they were my saving grace the last few months of my transition. Finally on November 20th, after a frustrating session of detangling my hair, I got a pair of scissors and I cut off the relaxed ends. What was funny is that I thought my husband would freak because I cut it, but he didn't even notice! It had grown out so it wasn't a shock to him. I did my own chop because I didn't trust anyone to touch my hair. I kept the hair I cut until my 1 year anniversary. Now I had MY hair and what was funny is that it WASN'T dry or as tight as it was the first time! Don't know how, but my hair was different. It was actually curly, very curly. My husband couldn't call me nappy head anymore! Maybe it was all that conditioner I used LOL!

Since I've cut off my relaxed ends I have been getting to know my hair. I have never really seen or handled my natural hair. Even before I relaxed it( at age 12) my mom used to press it straight. So for the past 2 years I have been experimenting and learning what my hair likes and dislikes. I've learned a lot, and yes I am a product junky, just ask my friends! I know I've given away 1,000s of dollars worth of hair product because I couldn't use it or I had too much. I went through a phase there for a second...lol. I am still a product junkie, but only for certain products. Oh don't get me wrong! I still like to try things here and there :) but I am learning overall what my hair likes and what works for me. Some lessons I've learned is to love MY hair! That my hair will not behave like everyone else's hair, and that natural hair is WORK and I can't ignore it like I did my relaxed hair or I'll regret it dearly! My curly coif is like a high maintenance girlfriend and she can be fickle and trifling, but I love her.
 ~ Story from Latrina 

Stay tuned for Her Hair Regimen...